

BBx Collection

    With so many options out there, it is often difficult to know how we can remain on top with ever-changing fashion! Luckily, in the Dominion Tavern of Ottawa’s iconic ByWard Market lies an award winning fashion-boutique that will take care of all your fashion needs. Look no further than Ottawa’s very own Bbx Collection!!! Famous for its size-inclusive graphic apparel, you can choose from the most up-to-date t-shirts, sweatshirts, crewneck sweaters, and hoodies just to name a few. No matter what type of apparel you buy, you are sure to find a comfy fit with amazing graphic design and a unique, sometimes sassy message to help you walk the streets of Ottawa with style.

    Bbx Collection is furthermore well-known for its ever-present sales and cheap prices of its high quality clothing. It additionally showcases well-planned out seasonal collections to help keep you on top of Ottawa’s vast weather conditions. Aside from fashionable apparel, this trademark spot of ByWard Market offers immaculate accessories, well-designed reusable cups, hair clips, necklaces, earrings, and keychains. Most importantly, Bbx Collection will bring you into a community of stylish and fashionable pioneers in the city of Ottawa so make sure to check it out.



31 York St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5S7  |  BBXCOLLECTION